Sunday, May 9, 2010

Movie Compare & Contrast Paper

This paper will be 10% of the total grade

Watch Mr. Smith Goes To Washington and 3 of the other films listed below, and write an essay in which each film is compared to 5 of the Bold (vocabulary) terms from our textbook.

  • The paper must include 20 Bold terms, (5 for each film)
  • Due June 3rd at the beginning of class. (DO NOT BE LATE ON JUNE 3RD)
  • The paper must be typed in MLA format.
  • The paper must be a minimum of 15 pages, and no more than 25
  • This is not a research paper. It must not include any source material other than the textbook, and four of the films assigned. The paper does not need to compare the films to each other, simply compare each film to the textbook, one at a time.
The Films:

1 comment:

  1. This is the worst assignment ever. Fuck my life.
